4 Button Proximity Key Replacement for Nissan 285E3-4CB6C
Aftermarket Replacement
FCC ID: KR5S180144106
IC: 7812D-S180106
Chip: 47
Frequency: 433 MHz
Battery: CR2032
Button: Lock, Unlock, Hatch, Panic
Aftermarket Emergency Key Blade Included
Test Key: DA34
Lishi: NSN14
Replaces PN: 285E3-4CB6A, 285E3-4CB6B, 285E3-4CB6C
Note: Button configuration must match original key exactly. WARNING - The 2014-2018 Nissan Rogue can have a bug in the BCM software that may cause a no start situation after the key programming is performed. It is not advisable to add a key when customer has a working key. We recommend informing your customer before programming attempt.
Vehicle Fit